How we spend the money

You can read more detail about our finances, the history of the fee and FAQs below and here. Your fee covers all areas of JCST activity (not just the ISCP) with the exception of our work on CESR evaluations, for which the General Medical Council (GMC) pays us.

As an example, the pie charts below set out how we spent the money in our financial year 2015-16, which finished in June 2016. Our total income from the trainee fee was £1,725,122 and from CESR work £129,801.

Chart showing 'expenditure by JCST function'

Chart showing 'expenditure by area of spending - all JCST activity'

Chart showing 'expenditure by area of spending - trainee fee only'


  • CESR is the Certificate of Eligibility for Specialist Registration
  • We make payments to the employing Trusts/Health Boards of the JCST Chair and ISCP Surgical Director to compensate them for the time that they spend on JCST work
  • The JCST Chair, ISCP Surgical Director, QA Lead and JCST staff receive travel expenses. SAC Chairs and members receive no travel expenses and are asked to claim from their employers
  • The ISCP website charge includes a service level agreement with the IT Department of the Royal College of Surgeons of England for the development, maintenance and support of the ISCP website and other related charges.

Read more about the JCST's financial position:

For previous years financial statements please go to JCST's archive page here.