Otolaryngology specific certification details

To ensure that LMs are able to assess your competences before your ARCP 6 is awarded, please ensure that:

  • You have considered your specialty’s curriculum and Certification Guidelines and ensured that your ISCP portfolio demonstrates evidence that all required competences have been met. If you have any concerns about this, please discuss them with your TPD as soon as possible.

  • Your ISCP account is up to date with validated data, including validated WBAs. This should be done within a reasonable timeframe to give all assessors enough time to assess your evidence.

  • You have uploaded an up-to-date CV, ensuring it shows all of your training posts including dates (mm/yyyy to mm/yyyy) for each. Otolaryngology trainees are expected to submit their CVs in a specific format. If there are any gaps in your CV it is very important that you note them on the Certification checklist for Trainees and Liaison Members.

  • You have uploaded an up-to-date CV, ensuring it shows all of your training posts including dates (mm/yyyy to mm/yyyy) for each.

  • You have uploaded an up-to-date APLS certificate. This can be uploaded under ADD > OTHER EVIDENCE > Courses / e-learning in your ISCP account.

  • Your eLogbook data is current and covers all your training (specifically your NTN training period and any previous posts recognised as counting towards your higher surgical training).

  • You have uploaded an SAC Indicative Group Report logbook from eLogbook. This should be filtered to only cover the period you have spent in posts approved for higher surgical training (i.e. exclude time spent in OOP other than OOPT, and exclude time before ST3), clearly show the ‘From’ and ‘To’ dates and be signed by your TPD. This can be uploaded under ADD > OTHER EVIDENCE > Miscellaneous in your ISCP account.

  • You have uploaded an Operation Group Report logbook from eLogbook this should be filtered, etc. as above. This can be uploaded under ADD > OTHER EVIDENCE > Miscellaneous in your ISCP account.
  • You may need to submit an emergency logbook, if so then please upload the document to your ISCP account under ADD > OTHER EVIDENCE > Miscellaneous in your ISCP account.

It is essential that your ARCP panel have enough time to assess all the evidence in your ISCP portfolio well in advance of the ARCP meeting; therefore please ensure that you have all your evidence and checklist ready on your ISCP account at least 14 days before your final ARCP.